Cloud AUD documentation

Cloud AUD

Cloud AUD (CAUD) is an interest-bearing stablecoin redeemable one to one for Australian Dollar.

Generated from token-template by Ape Academy.

Table of contents

Contract address

Cloud AUD is currently only available on the Polygon PoS network.

The only official contract address is: 0xB1EF313E3119e13f827E14D7c90E03180ac828ed


This project uses Vyper via the ape framework. Install the requirements and required plugins with:

pip install -r requirements.txt
ape plugins install .

You will also most likely need an account (a.k.a. wallet) to perform any on-chain action. Add an account via ape.

Deploy the contract

To compile and deploy the contract, run:

ape compile
ape run scripts/ --network ethereum:ropsten:geth

A funded account is required to deploy the contract.

Mint new tokens

⚠️ Only the creator of the contract or an account with minter role can mint new tokens!

ape compile
ape run scripts/ --network ethereum:ropsten:geth


Coding style

This project uses black code formatter, which is an extension of PEP8.

More info on how to use black.
# To automatically format your code, do the following:
# install black if you haven't already
pip install black

# format every Python file in the current working directory
black .

# or format a single file


Docs are found in the docs/ folder.

You can build them locally with the following commands:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt  # execute this only once

The site is now built. You can access it locally by opening docs/_build/index.html in your preferred browser.

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